Cellular Automaton: ca

ca is a parallel simulator for the rhombic dodecahedron cellular automaton, developed by myself for my Laurea degree thesis back in 1996-97. It has been applied to 3D fluid-dynamics simulation. Basically, instead of solving numerically the Navier-Stokes equations, one simulates a cellular automaton whose behaviour closely approximates a solution to such equations. (This approach is called Lattice Gas Automata.)

Most work in the area focused on 2D cellular automata, in particular the FHP model. I wanted to do 3D fluid simulation, so I have worked on the dodecahedron 3D cellular automaton. The software has been implemented in C on the Cray T3E parallel computer, using the shmem library for fast shared memory access. It also uses the HDF library for simulation data storage (and to solve endianness problems).

